Extending Responsibilities
Discover the latest insights on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and its impact on plastic recycling in the newest Plastic Recycling Podcast episode. Join CANEI's CEO Alkarim Shamsy and Signalfire Group Managing Pricipal Resa Dimino as they discuss the role of producers, challenges, and legislative advancements in EPR.
Webinar: Coalition Building for EPR for PPP
Join us for our Coalition Building for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging and Paper Products (PPP) webinar on May 28 at 2 PM EST. Participate in conversations about the importance of coalition building and stakeholder engagement in the process of moving EPR for PPP forward.
In Our Opinion: EPR in 2023
Policy Now Blog: In Our Opinion: How EPR Picked up Steam in 2023
Case Study: New York Carpet EPR
Download the free case study to learn about the research and outreach that led to Bill #S05027 passing the New York State Senate in June 2021.
Case Study: Oregon Recycling Framework
Download the free case study to learn about the research that laid the groundwork for Oregon’s Recycling Modernization Act of 2021.
Signalfire Group Launches
Signalfire Group will provide research, planning, and implementation support to governments and organizations utilizing policy and regulation as a tool to guide sustainable materials management and circular economy strategies.